Life is like a bowl of chocolates then you have children!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

What's wrong with a little honesty?

Well here I sit trying to keep the dog from chewing on me. I have fallen in love with her but really, we are so close to the empty nest and now we have a puppy for the next 15 years!

My question to myself today is when did it become a bad thing to be honest with your children? I remember growing up and not everyone made the team, if you weren't cut out for something you were told to find a new hobby, and you didn't get a trophy for coming in last place. I don't have a problem with encouraging a person realistic dreams but when you know that they won't succeed, don't you think it's better just to tell them? Maybe it's my age but I'm getting to the point where I don't feel the need to spare feelings as much. I'm going to be a cantankerous old woman someday, probably sooner than later!!

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