Well, I had a very productive day yesterday! As I said before we had to have the locks re-keyed. The locksmith assured us he would be here by 1:30 on Saturday----NO SHOW! Then he promised by noon Monday----again, NO SHOW!! Well, I got really aggravated and you KNOW you don't make a mama mad so I took off all 7 locks and deadbolts, took them to the local hardware store and had it done myself saving us $100. Now, really, I'm not usually so impatient but this is not a huge town. I mean, get real, we only have one locksmith and you can't tell me that he is constantly running around opening up doors and changing locks. Oh, well.
Scott and I also took the dog for her first walk on a leash and she did really well. We walked about 2 miles and she walked/ran about a mile of it. One of us had to walk in front and she would follow and she had me jogging. Those short little legs can move. She fell asleep in my lap on the way home! Spoiled.
Alison finally made it home this morning. We have had girls at our house for the last 2 days and she stayed with a friend last night. My friends who have experienced the empty nest syndrome tell me I will be sad. I must be a bad mother but to be honest, I'm looking forward to that stage of our lives. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my girls but we are getting a taste of it and it's not so bad! I'm just being honest! :)
Thanks for stopping by!:)
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