Life is like a bowl of chocolates then you have children!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A challenge is made.....

What am I thinking?! I was challenged to start a blog and I am.

My blog is Mini-Mom because I'm so blooming short! My goal in life was to have children taller than myself. I have succeeded! My work as a mother is done! NOT! Just when you think you have them raised, there they are again. But I love them dearly!

I'm a typical mother who has a full time job teaching and a part time job working with students in a local public school. I'm also taking classes to further my degree which is really not fun!

My husband is a wonderful man who is very patient with me! My daughters are 21 and 16, one living about 45 minutes away and one still at home. Life couldn't be better unless we won the lotto.

Bear with my rantings and ravings. Sometimes I actually have a coherent thought. I hope to address some parenting issues that will either help someone or I can get some help from someone.

That's it for now. Thanks for stopping by! :)

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