Life is like a bowl of chocolates then you have children!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What makes me so special?

What makes me so special? Why should you read this blog?

Well, I've been married 25 years this July, been teaching for 25 years, have two daughters and multiple pets. I've also had some interesting life experiences. Maybe something I've experienced will help you in your life.

History Lesson:
Married in July of 1985 to Scott. Our first house was one block from a university and fraternity row. Needless to say, we had some interesting early morning activity outside our house. One night there was a party and sometime after midnight, we were awakened by voices. We looked out the front window and sitting with their backs against an oak tree on opposite sides of the tree were tow girls....crying! They were past the giggly drunk and had moved on to the "I'm sorry, I love you" drunk. Seems they had had a fight at some point and now were best friends again! Life was so easy back then.

Our neighbor during that first year was and still is a paranoid schizophrenic who burned himself up sniffing paint. He made for some interesting conversation as well. Scott was cooking burgers out on the grill one night and David walks down the sidewalk, up the driveway holding two pieces of bread. Scott jumped up and ran out to stop him. "I came to get my burger"! Now, this man was in his mid 20's at the time, talked to himself all the time and only wore pants, never a shirt or shoes. We never get much snow here but that year we got about an inch and we noticed David walking down the street in his usual attire with a bald head. I guess his head got too hot with hair!

That same year we also put in a wood burning stove. Scott decided that we would put a rock backing on the wall so we went out and hand picked every rock. Now my husband is a wonderful man and is very handy but it takes him a while to complete a project. With that in mind, picture a wheelbarrow in a den about 12 x 16 filled with grout. That is what my den looked like for about a month. Oh, I forgot about the teaspoon he used from the kitchen to apply the grout!! It looked great when it was finally done. Anyway, we had a chimney fire that winter. Scott was laying on the sofa watching tv and I was in the bedroom. I walked into the den and noticed the smoke at which point I ran to the closet and began to lug as many pieces of clothing as possible into my car. I made three trips before the fire department got there at which point I moved my car across the street to our neighbors driveway. Hey, my house may be on fire but I was going to have my clothes!!!

And then there was the time my friend and I were sitting on the front porch when David exposed himself to us. Every police officer in town ended up at our house. Can you believe we actually lived in that house only one year!

Well, enough of that for tonight. Thanks for stopping by! :)

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