Well, my very dear friend became a Dr. today. She received her Ph.D!!! I'm very proud of her because she worked so hard but I'm also very envious because she is so task oriented and I'm not! When she puts her mind to something, she does it come hell or high water. Me, I'm not that way. If it happens, it happens. I should be pushing myself to finish but I'm really not interested!
So much for the pity party! I'm going to put my big girl panties on and get over it!
We have a huge undertaking right now because of a little water heater leak. We have been without floors for 3 weeks but today it should all be done so I can get my husband on the task of painting the ceilings!! Then I can get on the walls! I'm rather apprehensive because I am going from white to grey. It's not that big of a change but the floors are very dark and I'm also having to think about furniture. I"m just not too good at decorating!! I"m keeping my fingers crossed!!
You WILL finish! I have faith in you :)