Life is like a bowl of chocolates then you have children!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Long time no post

Well, this week is an exciting one for me and the fam. We are leaving for a trip to tour Italy and Greece. Of course Murphy's law went into effect on Saturday. I had partially dried on load of clothes, had another on standby and the dryer decides to stop. It was like it had a stroke, the brain (electronics) kept telling it to start but the body wouldn't rotate. Kind of like my brain tells my legs to walk and I walk straight to the fridge. Anyway I hope to have the dryer fixed today or I may be taking dirty clothes with me. I'll just wear them and leave them!!

Life has been going along really well lately. One daughter is on her own financially and the other is a full time student with a job and paying bills. Hubby and I have the empty nest syndrome but are loving it except for the long haired dachshund we inherited when our daughter moved out. Anyone in need of a dog???

Now, my dissertation......hmmmmm that is another story. I'm being pushed back by the day getting my committee to meet so I can defend. I'm beginning to feel used and I didn't even get dinner out of the deal!!!

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