Life is like a bowl of chocolates then you have children!!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Mixed Emotions

Well, my very dear friend became a Dr. today. She received her Ph.D!!! I'm very proud of her because she worked so hard but I'm also very envious because she is so task oriented and I'm not! When she puts her mind to something, she does it come hell or high water. Me, I'm not that way. If it happens, it happens. I should be pushing myself to finish but I'm really not interested!

So much for the pity party! I'm going to put my big girl panties on and get over it!

We have a huge undertaking right now because of a little water heater leak. We have been without floors for 3 weeks but today it should all be done so I can get my husband on the task of painting the ceilings!! Then I can get on the walls! I'm rather apprehensive because I am going from white to grey. It's not that big of a change but the floors are very dark and I'm also having to think about furniture. I"m just not too good at decorating!! I"m keeping my fingers crossed!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

My Princess is officially crowned today!

Yes, my princess Ashley gets crowned today. We are at the dentist as I type. He has threatened to send her to get a root canal if all does not work out. She's been back there for 30 minutes so hopefully that means everything is looking good. I'm going to stay the afternoon with her to baby her!!! Doesn't matter how old they get, they want mama around when they don't feel good.

This weekend we went to Paris, AR to visit friends. Man, we can have such a good time with Martha and Chris doing absolutely nothing. Everyone should have at least one set of friends where they can go and be bums and not worry about hurting feelings or trying to entertain. We went to a place called A to Z in Alma and when they say everything they mean it. Its 5 or 6 buildings of stuff, tools, sporting goods, furniture, crafts, all new and very good prices. I would love to go up with a UHaul!!!!

Well, gotta check on the princess!!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Housewives of New York

Bravo rerun of Housewives of NY reunion. This one has to be two years old because Bethenny is not married. Man, how can you live with constant drama!! They are yelling at each other! I have to agree that Ramona has crazy eyes.....heck, I think she is all crazy not just the eyes!! Maybe she is just too honest, I can't figure it out. The host has lost control!!!

And then theres Kim! Don't be tardy for the wedding? Really! I know its a play on her song but how long will they use that one song. Does she have any more songs? It must be really hard work being so perfect!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Shut the Front Door!!

The semester is almost over! Our students will be graduating and going out into the world! They are so funny. Scared, excited, worried, nervous, all at the same time but then they realize they are prepared and ready. Graduation from college is such a bigger accomplishment than graduating from high school. Not that I'm not proud of the high school graduates but watching the freshmen come in and grow into teachers is amazing.

Speaking of teachers, I must admit that I had a "come to Jesus" meeting with one of mine. So far it seems to have helped but that remains to be seen. If she gives me feedback on my "perfect" paper (which it won't be perfect even if she wants it to be) then we will continue on. If there is no feedback, I may have another hissy fit in her office.

Well my youngest is finishing her first semester in college. Is she going to pass all classes??? That is the $64,000 question! We will see!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Is it really over?

Well, it's official! Spring break is over. I'm sitting in the computer lab at 6:26 pm waiting for my students to finish taking a test. 

Spring break was a great adventure for my little family. We spent 10 days touring Italy and Greece with 40 other people, some of whom I would not want to tour with again!! And to set your mind to rest, yes the Italian men are very pretty but I thought they had an ego the size of David's you know what. The Greek men were just as pretty but with more self-confidence. And I did not see one ugly police officer in Greece! I actually tried to get arrested!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Another day in paradise

Went last week to see Jimmy Buffett. I'm guessing the average age was 55!! We had a blast...tailgaiting, visiting with new Parrotheads, eating sushi and great music. One person I would see again.

Today also starts my spring break!!! Time away from the computer and phone. Lovely!

Just got a call from Ashley that her dog Belle had gotten hit today and died.  That was the ugliest dog on earth but she loved her so much. I'm 45 minutes away and she is on her way to work so I can't wrap her in a huge hug and I hate that. People say your children eventually leave the nest, I hope mine never leave it!!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Long time no post

Well, this week is an exciting one for me and the fam. We are leaving for a trip to tour Italy and Greece. Of course Murphy's law went into effect on Saturday. I had partially dried on load of clothes, had another on standby and the dryer decides to stop. It was like it had a stroke, the brain (electronics) kept telling it to start but the body wouldn't rotate. Kind of like my brain tells my legs to walk and I walk straight to the fridge. Anyway I hope to have the dryer fixed today or I may be taking dirty clothes with me. I'll just wear them and leave them!!

Life has been going along really well lately. One daughter is on her own financially and the other is a full time student with a job and paying bills. Hubby and I have the empty nest syndrome but are loving it except for the long haired dachshund we inherited when our daughter moved out. Anyone in need of a dog???

Now, my dissertation......hmmmmm that is another story. I'm being pushed back by the day getting my committee to meet so I can defend. I'm beginning to feel used and I didn't even get dinner out of the deal!!!